Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blog Post #4

After reading and listening to Langwhiches' blog on her class podcast, I have suddenly fallen in love with the idea. By involving students in creating their own podcast, they will have a hands on way to learn the material. If students can upload their podcasts to their iPods, they can use them to review for tests later on. From a teachers stand point, you can share previous year's classes for your students to benefit from as well.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla,

    I am glad that you found these sites about podcasting to be both interesting and helpful. Yet, I am not sure that you did the assignment properly. Please refer to the instruction manual to see the details of this assignment. I need to see where you evaluated at least three of the sites and stated a few tips you found useful for when you must create your own podcast for this class.


    Rebekah Lloyd
